Dublin: 9 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

This mug ensures you'll always get your tea exactly how you want it


THERE ARE FEW things more disappointing than a bad cup of tea. Fortunately, this Irish company wants to ensure this never happens to anyone ever again.

hbmug_your_name_mug_pp1_1 Source: Hairybaby

Hairy Baby (the crowd behind this amazing t-shirt) has created the How I Like Mine custom mug, which you can personalise according to how you like your tea or coffee.

hbmug_your_name_mug_yl Source: Hairybaby

Simply choose what colour mug you want, stick your name on it, and tick whether you like tea or coffee, milk or no milk, and how many sugars.

You can also specify that you’ll take “a few biscuits too if they’re going” – handy for the sweet-toothed among us.

hbmug_your_name_mug_yl1_1 Source: Hairybaby

Something they may want to consider in future iterations of the mug is the all important colour of the tea. Very few people want to be presented with something like this.

The custom mugs are €15 each from the Hairy Baby website and come with a fancy presentation box. The perfect gift for any mate who really loves their tea.

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